Carrie has provided me with Acupuncture care for many years. In the beginning Carrie provided treatments for overall balance. Over the years, Carrie treated me twice for compressed discs (C5-6), she truly helped to ease the pain and help me get back to life! Just over 3 years ago Carrie provided treatments for a horrible infection from mastectomies, I saw her several times throughout my cancer recovery and subsequent chemo treatments where she provided therapies to help me with pain and to recover from the toxic medicines. About 2 years ago my lower back went out, I could not stand straight and literally walked sideways, through Carrie’s therapy (Cupping) I recovered very quickly but best of all, I didn’t need to take pain relief/medications as Acupuncture was enough to help me recover. The very best about the services Carrie provides is she listens and then formulates a plan, she is honest and has a commitment of what her care will provide – she told me in three treatments you will walk straight again… and guess what! I Did!! The treatments for the infection helped to put me on a path to healing. I remain dedicated to Carrie’s care. ~ TK
- Wild Lavender Acupuncture Clinic830 West End Court #700
Vernon Hills, IL(224) 280-6228 -
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